The Economist, August 2, 2008

The Economist, August 2, 2008
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The Beijing Olympics: China's dash for freedom
China's rise is a cause for celebration -- but despite the Beijing Olympics, not because of them.

World trade: So near and yet so far
Trade ministers have come too close to a deal to let the Doha round die.

Housing bill: A hair of the dog
Congress has been too lenient on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Turkey's constitutional court: Saved by a (judicial) whisker
Its judges have averted disaster and shown that Turkey can be a worthy candidate for the European Union.

Gene doping: Fairly safe
What athletes may or may not do ought to be decided on grounds of safety, not fairness.

A special report on the sports business
Sport has become a global business as well as a recreation for billions. But how to make it faster, higher, stronger?

Trade talks: The Doha round... and round... and round
After another failed summit, seven years of trade talks may become nine or ten.

Gene doping: Genetically Modified Olympians?
On the eve of the Beijing Olympics, we examine the prospect of athletes using gene therapy to enhance their performance -- and of catching them if they try.

Plant disease: When the chips are brown
A new bacterium may be responsible for turning potato crisps a nasty colour.

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